Key Figures
An increasing number of refugees and migrants from Venezuela, as well as affected host communities, have been unable to meet their basic needs and achieve socio-economic integration. Lack of income, an over-reliance in the informal sector and low rates of inclusion in national social protection mechanisms – particularly in the context of simultaneous mobility restrictions, health and economic crises prompted by the COVID-19 pandemic – have increased refugees’ and migrants’ exposure to protection-related risks (including GBV or evictions), which are exacerbated among children, adolescents, women, people with disabilities, LGBTQI+ persons and the elderly.
Across R4V countries, food, shelter/rental support and stable income sources (employment) continue to be priority needs. Cash and voucher assistance (CVA) is an appropriate and feasible tool to respond to these needs, minimize the use of negative coping strategies, and act as a safety net for refugees and migrants from Venezuela, while supporting the reactivation and recovery of local markets. It is also the assistance modality preferred most by refugees and migrants. Multipurpose cash (MPC) as an assistance modality, specifically, has enabled refugees and migrants from Venezuela to make choices about how to meet these needs, increasing dignity and flexibility of
the humanitarian response. In addition, the results from a survey carried out by the Regional Cash Working Group (RCWG) show that promoting linkages between humanitarian CVA and national social protection systems is a key priority.
The planned activities under CVA will respond to humanitarian needs while continuing to support local, national and regional stakeholders to identify durable solutions for refugees and migrants and affected host communities. The RCWG will prioritize the promotion of MPC and linkages between humanitarian CVA and national social protection mechanisms, for example, in countries such as Colombia and Ecuador, which in 2022 are engaging in regularization processes to integrate Venezuelans in irregular situations and reduce legal barriers to accessing social services.
In the 2022 RMRP, CVA (including sectoral CVA and MPC) represents 30 per cent of the planned response. Some USD 200,717,629 will be disbursed through MPC transfers in 2022. With the support of 55 partners across 17 countries, the RMRP response aims to reach 1.1 million refugees and migrants from Venezuela and host communities with MPC. The response will target vulnerable households who, due to a lack of income, are unable to meet their basic needs, are exposed to protection risks (including GBV or evictions), suffer from food insecurity, cannot access adequate and safe housing, use negative coping mechanisms to meet their needs, or are unable to engage in activities to achieve their full socio-economic integration.
The RCWG will facilitate the scale-up of MPC in the region, through support to National and Sub-regional R4V Platforms, Cash Working Groups at country-level, and regional Sectors. It will generate and share knowledge to harmonize CVA approaches through common tools and guidelines. Given the large proportion of sectoral CVA assistance planned for 2022, in addition to MPC, the RCWG will promote complementarity and coherence among the multiple sectoral CVA interventions. This includes joint work with Sectors in the design of CVA to promote intersectoral linkages, with a goal to move towards more integrated assistance.
The RCWG will strengthen its work on the humanitarian and development nexus, fostering collaboration between national Cash Working Groups and local authorities. Wherever possible, the RCWG will leverage partners’ presence on the ground and their long-standing work with national systems to promote alignment and referrals, including exit strategies, into local social protection mechanisms.
CVA will be provided with the objective of putting the protection of refugees and migrants at the centre of activities, including considerations for persons with specific protection needs, such as through the empowerment of people with disabilities, as well as addressing gender imbalances in the design and implementation of cash transfers. Finally, the provision of information, effective feedback mechanisms, and the promotion of active participation of refugees and migrants from Venezuela in programme design will be essential to promote AAP.

16 Sep 2021The Regional Interagency Coordination Platform for Refugees and Migrants from Venezuela recognized the need to create a product-oriented Regional…
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Cash and Voucher Assistance in Response to COVID-19
08 May 2020Cash and Voucher Assistance in Response to COVID-19
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Report Regional CWG Survey
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